Your comments

Project received. Let's talk about UGUI and NGUI separately. 

1.UGUI (Unity's UI)

Shader Weaver support UGUI's all clipping/scroll view/mask features.


Shader Weaver will add a new Shader Type for NGUI's UI2DSprite with clipping support in the next version. It will take couple days. I will let you know when releasing. 

Please set 'Shader Type' to UI and things should work well with Mask and ScrollView.

Thank you for the feedback. Got it.

This is a bug. It has been fixed in SW 1.3.0d. Please check it.

Please send the image 'magnifier' to

I have tried .Net 4.6 with Win10/Win7/Mac. None of them has this problem. Do you have any other special setting?

Solved. There is no bug here.

In the project you gave me. SW project used 'Default Sprite Asset_14' for Root node while Sprite Renderer in the scene used  'Default Sprite Asset_0' . Different Sprites' rects are totally different if they are in sheets.

To avoid it:

1. Make sure Root node and Sprite Renderer use the same Sprite.

2. Attach SWSpriteAnimation to Sprite Object. It will set rect at runtime.

I tried .Net 4.6 with my Win7 PC. SW works fine. I am gonna check it with Win10 and Mac.

I think your project or some 3rd party assets in your project might overwrited struct Vector2 in scripts?

Please create an empty project, import  Shader Weaver from asset store and see if it works.