Your comments
If you wanna reach more users, it is highly suggested that use OpenGL ES 2.0 and Gamma for iOS/Android.
Linear is better but it requires 3.0 on mobile, if you are targeting high end users, I prefer linear.
Roughly, use metal and linear means 20%~30% mobiles users can not run your game.
It is a good idea. Shader Weaver is not compatible with TextMeshPro right now and has no plan for it recently, but it is in the considering list.
Thank you!
I think the reason is that other textures used in your effect has lower resolution than main texture.
I am considering add size setting for mask/remap nodes.
(1) If you assign material to UIImage, Unity will set sprite used in UIImage as MainTexture, so it doesnt matter what you set in material. Usually just keep UIImage/Root node use same sprite.
(2) You assign card sprite to Root node as usual, but turn on 'Exclude Root' in setting. Then sprite use by root node will not be displayed.
Hi Oliver,
(1) How to apply effects to multiple cards
If cards are same size sprites/Images, just assgin a single material created with Shader Weaver to them, it should works.
(2) Both ways works. It depends on you.
If you only need surrounding effects, it is ok to make another effect below card itself.
If you want effect to interact with card,it is better to have 1 effect per card
(3) You are right, remap node's parent node should not be in the material if it is only use to generate remap texture.
It should be excluded.
This fix will be added in the next update.
Best Regards,
Jackie Lo
Click '+' on the bottom-right corner of the main editor, and switch mode there.
Thank you for your patience. Issue fixed!
(1)Replace some lines of code in UV_RotateAround
(2)On E700/Honor 3, it can only hold 8 sampler2D at most, which means we can use textures no more then 8 in a single shader.
After (1), most of the effects in examples and tutorials works fine, except Card_man/Card_ninja since them use 10 textures. (2) is not restricted by Shader Model, so it can not be detected until running on device. I think it is restricted by chipset MT6582 /GPU Maili400mp2.For (2), it is best to do a fallback.
The fix and fallback feature will be in the next Shader Weaver version.
Thank you so much for sharing these important feedbacks! Good suggestions for future version.
Hi Havoc,
I have tested it on many Android devices. Most of them run SW fine.
Finally this issue reappear on Huawei honor 3. It's chipset is also Mediatek MT6582 as Acer e700.
This is a big progress for the issue. Hope to fix it asap. Just share the latest progress with you.
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