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Export shaders
Is there a way to export assets & shaders from Shader Weaver visual script?
I'm using Godot but your tool is amazing. So if there is any way to create shaders in Unity and then export it as hlsl & assets, I would buy it !
You are more than welcome if you want to port this to Godot haha :D
Quality question
Hey there,
I wanted to ask if there is any easy possibility to enhance the quality of the remap effect itself? This is a border around a 600x900 card.
I tried to using the newer feature with a higher remap quality 256x256 to 1024x1024 - but this did not effect this at all. I also tried using higher res pictures for the border glow image - it also did not effect it.
Am I missing something or is it not possible to get a higher resolution ? It seems to be the Y axis - where it seems to stretch the pixels so it looks blocky - I also tried different scales in the image etc. Is there anyway to use a higher resolution here?
Thanks a lot,
It has been fixed in Shader Weaver 1.3.3
Remap improvement in 1.3.3:
1 Edit under orginal size
2 Aspect ratio correction
3 Remap data persistence
4 Remap points editing
Move point: Ctrl+LMB
Delete point:Ctrl+RMB
Clear points: C
Use a low size(128/256) for remap texture under corrected aspect ratio,
everything should be fine.
Performance Question
Hey there,
I am doing a glowing border around my cards (in UI image) via shader weaver with the remap tool (to have it animate around the card) and UV mapping for the effect (like you did in the sword tutorial).
Now the performance is fine on mobile - except when I am showing the card in full screen. Then size of the cards is around 700x1100 pixels large - the border of this shader material is behind the card (so I have to make it even bigger e.g. 800x1200) - in order to see the glow behind it going over the cards border. Thats when I see the performance degrades a lot. And I guess that is due to the fact that I am rendering this large picture - with the whole center of the picture being transparent.
But since I would only the to animate the border around (the area from the remap) - I wonder if there would be a better way to do it - so that it gets more performant. Maybe somehow tell the shader that he only processes the remapped border instead and ignoring the center of the full rect - but I have no clue about shaders myself - or do you have any ideas?
I tried to use smalles remap size 256x256 but it didn't help...
Thanks a lot,
Error in AlphaControl script
The last step of applying alpha value wont be executed because of while loop (use do-while instead), therefore object will be always a little visible/invisible, by how much depending on the step size (Time.deltaTime*stepSize)
UnityUI and NGUI image Scrolling with clipping
Hello. When I apply ShaderWeaver shader to the image, clipping (mask) stop working for that image. Should it work that way? Is it possible to make ShaderWeaver shaders work the same way like default shaders inside scroll planes do?
Project received. Let's talk about UGUI and NGUI separately.
1.UGUI (Unity's UI)
Shader Weaver support UGUI's all clipping/scroll view/mask features.
Shader Weaver will add a new Shader Type for NGUI's UI2DSprite with clipping support in the next version. It will take couple days. I will let you know when releasing.
Wrong color in a translucent picture
I have an image with translucent area in the center. NGUI and Unity UI draw image as it is (white translucent area in center) while ShaderWeaver make it look different.
I have basic shader setup.
How to make a ShaderWeaver shader look the same as NGUI and Unity UI default shaders?
Spin image from center only works in preview
I'm trying to rotate an image about its center. On the left, the flame shows in preview, rotating about its center. On the right, the flame in gameplay, rotating around an unknown transformation point.
Any ideas what I'm doing wrong here? Preview works as expected. I've taken a look at Card_Arrow to see how that does spinning, but I can't see what I'm doing differently.
The shader:
Incorrect number of arguments to numeric-type constructor
Using Unity 2017.3.0f3
When shader is created an error appears
Shader error in 'shaderName': incorrect number of arguments to numeric-type constructor at line 500 (on d3d11)
Compiling Vertex program
The line 500 is:
uv_image1 = uv_image1+fixed2(1,192093E-07,5,960464E-08);
By some reason in fixed2 commas are generated instead of dots.
(0,0,0,0) instead of (0.0,0.0)
Can Shader Weaver set Stencil Buffer values?
Does Shader Weaver support manipulating the Stencil Buffer? I use this when writing by hand to prevent overlapping 2d shadows from "darkening" where they overlap.
HDR support
Could shader waver add a node or something that can make the brighter part of texture into HDR source so if you can see them "blooming" in camera with unity bloom post processing ?
It can be easily done in Shader Weaver. Connect a mask node to the left of the image node, this mask node show the brighter part. Then duplicate the image node and link it to the mask, right click the color of it for switching to HDR, set brightness whatever you want.
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